Sen 27jin Shieldmasta Hearthstone

sen 27jin shieldmasta

Trade Prince Gallywix (Trade Prince Gallywix) Hearthstone

Trade Prince Gallywix Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Class: Rogue Rarity: Legendary Cost: 6 Attack: 5 Health: 8 Abilities: Copy, Generate Tags: Spell-generating, Spell-related, Triggered effect Whenever your opponent casts a spell, gain a
Flame Leviathan (Flame Leviathan) Hearthstone

Flame Leviathan Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Subtype: Mech Class: Mage Rarity: Legendary Cost: 7 Attack: 7 Health: 7 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Area of effect, On-draw effect When you draw this, deal 2
Vol'jin (Vol'jin) Hearthstone

Vol jin Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Class: Priest Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 6 Health: 2 Abilities: Battlecry Battlecry: Swap Health with another minion.Vol jin is a shadow hunter, which is like a shadow priest
Goblins vs Gnomes enchantment list (Goblins vs Gnomes enchantment list) Hearthstone

The following page lists all known enchantments related to the Goblins vs Gnomes card set. For basic information on enchantments, see Enchantment. Note that some of the associations between enchantments and their related cards may
Iron Juggernaut (Iron Juggernaut) Hearthstone

Iron Juggernaut Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Subtype: Mech Class: Warrior Rarity: Legendary Cost: 6 Attack: 6 Health: 5 Abilities: Battlecry, Generate, Shuffle into deck Tags: On-draw effect Battlecry: Shuffle a Mine into your
Dark Iron Arena (Dark Iron Arena) Hearthstone

The subject of this article is part of theBlackrock Mountain adventure. High Justice Grimstone Set: Blackrock Mountain Type: Hero Health: 30 (Normal)30 (Heroic) Armor: 15 (Heroic) As you descend through the mountain, you find yourself
Dark Iron Arena (High Justice Grimstone) Hearthstone

The subject of this article is part of theBlackrock Mountain adventure. High Justice Grimstone Set: Blackrock Mountain Type: Hero Health: 30 (Normal)30 (Heroic) Armor: 15 (Heroic) As you descend through the mountain, you find yourself
Troll art (Troll) Hearthstone

This page lists cards with card art depicting trolls. Contents 1 Lore 2 Cards 2.1 Trolls 2.2 Troll art Lore edit | edit source] From Wowpedia: Trolls are a diverse sapient race that can be
Troll art (Troll art) Hearthstone

This page lists cards with card art depicting trolls. Contents 1 Lore 2 Cards 2.1 Trolls 2.2 Troll art Lore edit | edit source] From Wowpedia: Trolls are a diverse sapient race that can be
Brann Bronzebeard (Brann Bronzebeard) Hearthstone

Brann Bronzebeard Set: The League of Explorers Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 4 Tags: Battlecry-related, Ongoing effect Your Battlecries trigger twice.Contains 75% more fiber than his brother Magni!See this card on